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Breeze and tree

The Essential Storm Safety Checklist for Every Household

Storms can strike unexpectedly, leaving devastation in their wake. Being prepared can mean the difference between safety and harm for you and your loved ones. Whether it’s a thunderstorm, hurricane, or tornado, having a solid storm safety plan in place is crucial. Here’s a comprehensive storm safety checklist to ensure your household is prepared for whatever nature throws your way.

1. Create a Storm Safety Plan

Develop a detailed plan outlining what to do before, during, and after a storm. Assign specific roles to each family member and establish a meeting point in case you get separated. Practice your plan regularly to ensure everyone knows what to do in an emergency.

2. Assemble an Emergency Kit

Gather essential supplies such as non-perishable food, flasks containing water, flashlights with extra batteries, first aid supplies, and necessary medications. Keep your emergency kit in a designated area that is easily accessible to all family members.

3. Secure Your Home

Inspect your property for potential hazards and secure loose objects that could become projectiles in high winds. Trim trees and shrubs, and reinforce windows and doors with storm shutters or plywood. Consider investing in a storm shelter or tornado shelter for added protection during severe weather.

4. Stay Informed

Monitor weather forecasts regularly and stay informed about approaching storms. Invest in a NOAA Weather Radio or download a reliable weather app to receive real-time alerts and updates. Sign up for emergency notifications from local authorities to stay informed about evacuation orders and other critical information.

Men and safe room

5. Designate a Safe Shelter Area

Identify a safe shelter area within your home where you can take cover during a storm. Ideally, this area should be located on the lowest level of your home, away from windows, and preferably in a small, windowless interior room or closet.

6. Develop a Communication Plan

Establish a communication plan with family members, friends, and neighbors in case traditional communication channels are disrupted. Exchange contact information and establish a designated out-of-town contact person whom everyone can check in with to provide updates on their status.

7. Practice Electrical Safety

Unplug electrical appliances and electronics during storms to prevent damage from power surges. Avoid using electrical equipment such as computers or corded phones during thunderstorms, and never touch electrical equipment or cords if you’re wet or standing in water.

Are you ready to take the next step in ensuring your family’s safety during severe weather? Consider investing in a concrete storm shelter from Oklahoma Shelters. Our garage shelters for sale in OKC provide reliable protection against tornadoes and other extreme weather events. Don’t wait until it’s too late – contact us today to learn more about our concrete storm shelters and take the first step toward safeguarding your family’s future.

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A high-strength steel safe room, prefabricated for easy assembly, awaits installation within an Oklahoma home

Your Ultimate Guide to Storm Preparedness: Essential Tips and Strategies

Living in areas prone to severe weather, such as tornadoes and hurricanes, necessitates thorough preparation to safeguard yourself and your loved ones. Storm preparedness involves a combination of proactive measures, strategic planning, and the acquisition of essential resources.

In this comprehensive guide, we’ll offer essential storm preparedness tips and strategies to help you navigate storm season with confidence and resilience.

Understanding the Risk

Before delving into preparation, it’s crucial to understand the specific risks associated with storms in your area. Research historical storm data, familiarize yourself with common weather patterns, and stay informed about storm forecasts.

Understanding the unique risks you face will inform your preparation efforts and help you make informed decisions to mitigate potential dangers.

Creating a Safety Plan

Start by identifying designated safe areas within your home, such as basements, interior rooms, or storm shelters.

Ensure that all family members are familiar with the safety plan and understand what to do in the event of severe weather.

Establish communication protocols, including designated meeting spots and emergency contacts, to ensure everyone stays connected and accounted for during emergencies.

Building an Emergency Kit

Assembling an emergency kit is essential for surviving storm-related emergencies. Your emergency kit should have basic supplies to sustain everyone for at least 72 hours. Food, water, medications, first-aid supplies, flashlights, batteries, an NOAA weather radio, important documents, and personal hygiene items are all important.

You can include pet supplies and items for individuals with special medical or dietary requirements if necessary.

Securing Your Home

Take proactive measures to secure your home against storm damage. Trim overhanging branches and remove dead or damaged trees.

Secure outdoor furniture, equipment, and loose objects that could become projectiles in high winds. Reinforce windows and doors with impact-resistant glass, storm shutters, or protective coverings. Consider investing in a generator to ensure access to power during outages.

Investing in a Storm Shelter

For ultimate peace of mind, consider investing in a storm shelter. Whether above-ground or in-ground, a storm shelter provides a safe haven during severe weather events, offering protection from high winds, flying debris, and dangerous conditions. Evaluate your options carefully and choose a shelter that meets your family’s needs and budget.

Staying Informed

Stay informed about storm developments and warnings by utilizing weather apps, monitoring local news channels, and investing in a NOAA weather radio. Pay attention to evacuation orders and heed the advice of emergency officials.

Inground concrete shelter

Stay connected with neighbors and community resources to share information and support each other during emergencies.

Ensure your family’s safety during storms by investing in a reliable storm shelter from Oklahoma Shelters.

Contact us today to learn more about our customizable shelter options in Oklahoma City and Norman. Stay prepared, stay safe.

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Inground concrete shelter

Understanding the Difference: Above-Ground vs. Underground Shelters in Oklahoma

In Oklahoma, where the sky can turn from clear to stormy in minutes, having a storm shelter is not just a precaution; it’s a necessity. But when it comes to choosing the right storm shelter for your home, the decision between an above-ground and an underground option can be daunting.

Let’s break down the benefits and considerations of each to help you make the best choice for your Oklahoma home.

Above-Ground Shelters: Accessibility and Durability

Above-ground shelters, often referred to as safe rooms, are installed on the ground level or even within a home or garage. One of their main advantages is accessibility. For families with members who have mobility issues, above-ground shelters provide easy access without the need to navigate stairs. This feature is crucial in emergency situations where every second counts.

Another benefit is their resilience to flooding. Unlike underground shelters, above-ground options are less likely to be compromised by rising water levels during heavy storms. They’re engineered to withstand extreme winds and flying debris, meeting or exceeding FEMA standards for safety.

However, some homeowners may have concerns about the aesthetic impact of an above-ground shelter on their property. Additionally, while highly durable, these shelters must be properly anchored to a concrete slab to ensure stability during a tornado.

Underground Shelters: Traditional Protection with Modern Features

Underground shelters in Oklahoma are a traditional choice for tornado protection. Buried beneath the ground, these shelters offer a cooler environment during hot weather and are inherently protected from flying debris by their earthen cover.

One of the key benefits of underground shelters is their minimal footprint on your property’s landscape. They can be easily concealed and integrated into your yard, preserving the aesthetic appeal of your outdoor space. Additionally, many people feel psychologically safer being below ground level during a tornado.

However, considerations for underground shelters include the potential for water intrusion in areas with high water tables or during heavy rainfall. Accessibility can also be a concern, particularly for individuals with disabilities or those who may find it difficult to quickly move underground.

A family posing with Oklahoma shelter crew

Making the Right Choice for Your Home

When deciding between an above-ground and underground shelter, consider your family’s specific needs, your property’s characteristics, and your personal preferences. Both types of shelters offer robust protection against tornadoes, but factors like accessibility, safety during flooding, and aesthetic impact will play significant roles in your decision.

Ready to Choose Your Shelter?

At Oklahoma Shelters, we understand the importance of finding the right storm shelter for your home. Whether you’re leaning towards the traditional protection of an underground shelter or the accessible safety of an above-ground model, we’re here to help.

Choosing the right storm shelter is a significant decision for any Oklahoma homeowner. By considering the benefits and limitations of both above-ground and underground shelters, you can ensure your family’s safety when it matters most.

Get in touch with Oklahoma Shelters today!

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Inground concrete shelter

The Ultimate Guide to Preparing Your Family for Tornado Season in Oklahoma

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Tornado season in Oklahoma can be unpredictable and severe, making preparation crucial for the safety and well-being of your family. This ultimate guide will walk you through essential steps for preparing for tornado season Oklahoma, ensuring you’re ready when the skies turn dark and the sirens sound.

Understand the Risks

The first step in preparation is understanding the risks associated with tornadoes in Oklahoma. These powerful storms can bring devastating winds, hail, and flying debris, posing significant risks to life and property. Recognizing the potential dangers is key to taking the threat seriously and preparing accordingly.

Develop a Safety Plan

Having a clear and practiced safety plan is vital. Your plan should include:

  • Safe Zones:Identify the safest areas in your home to take shelter.
  • Communication Plan:Ensure your family knows how to communicate during and after a tornado, including establishing a meeting point outside your home in case of separation.
  • Emergency Kit:Keep a kit with flashlights, non-perishable food, batteries, a first-aid kit, and any important documents.

Invest in a Storm Shelter

One of the most effective ways to protect your family is by investing in a storm shelter. Oklahoma shelters are designed to withstand the extreme forces of tornadoes, providing a safe haven for your family. Whether you choose an underground bunker or an above-ground safe room, having a storm shelter can make all the difference during a tornado.

Stay Informed

Staying informed about the weather is crucial during tornado season. Download a weather app with real-time alerts to keep you updated on tornado watches and warnings in your area. Knowledge is power, and staying ahead of the storm can give you precious time to seek shelter.

Secure Your Property

Minimize damage to your home by securing loose items, such as patio furniture, trampolines, and garbage cans. Consider installing impact-resistant windows and doors to protect against flying debris.

Practice Drills

Regularly practicing your safety plan and drills can help ensure everyone in your family knows what to do and where to go when a tornado warning is issued. Familiarity breeds confidence, reducing panic and confusion in the heat of the moment.

Inground concrete shelter

Review Your Insurance

Ensure your homeowner’s insurance is up to date and covers tornado-related damage.

Final Thoughts

By understanding the risks, developing a safety plan, investing in a storm shelter, staying informed, securing your property, practicing drills, and reviewing your insurance, you can face tornado season with confidence.

Don’t wait until it’s too late to think about tornado safety. Visit Oklahoma Shelters today to explore the best storm shelter options for your home in Oklahoma City. Protect your family this tornado season with a shelter you can trust.

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You need storm shelters in Oklahoma for the weather

The Importance of Professional Installation for Your Storm Shelter

Category : Blog

In regions prone to severe weather, the necessity of a storm shelter cannot be overstated. These structures serve as a vital refuge during tornadoes, hurricanes, or other calamitous events, providing occupants with a secure haven from the destructive forces of nature. While investing in a storm shelter is a proactive step toward safeguarding lives and property, the critical aspect often overlooked is the significance of professional installation.

Here, we delve into why entrusting the installation to experts is paramount for ensuring optimal safety and functionality.

Structural Integrity

Professional installers are trained and experienced in ensuring the structural integrity of storm shelters. They understand the specific requirements for anchoring the shelter securely to the ground and can assess the soil conditions to determine the best placement. Proper anchoring is crucial to prevent the shelter from being lifted or displaced during high winds or flooding.

Compliance with Building Codes

Local building codes and regulations often dictate the specifications for storm shelter installations. Professional installers are familiar with these codes and ensure that the shelter meets or exceeds the required standards. Compliance with building codes not only ensures the safety of occupants but also avoids potential legal issues down the line.

Sealant and Waterproofing

Storm shelters must be adequately sealed and waterproofed to prevent water infiltration during heavy rainfall or flooding. Professional installers use high-quality sealants and waterproofing materials to create a tight seal, minimizing the risk of moisture damage or mold growth inside the shelter. This attention to detail is crucial for maintaining the shelter’s integrity and prolonging its lifespan.

Electrical and Ventilation Systems

 An old storm shelter covered in a blizzard

Many modern storm shelters are equipped with electrical outlets, lighting, and ventilation systems to enhance comfort and safety during extended stays. Professional installers are trained to safely install these systems and ensure they function correctly. Proper ventilation is particularly important for maintaining air quality inside the shelter and preventing the buildup of carbon monoxide or other harmful gases.

Peace of Mind

Professional installation provides peace of mind to homeowners, knowing that their storm shelter has been installed correctly and is ready to provide protection when needed. Attempting a DIY installation may lead to uncertainties about the shelter’s safety and effectiveness, ultimately causing unnecessary stress and anxiety during severe weather events.

Warranty and Support

Many storm shelter manufacturers offer warranties that may require professional installation for validity. By opting for professional installation, homeowners can ensure that their warranty remains intact and that they have access to support and assistance from the manufacturer if needed. This added layer of protection can be invaluable in the event of any issues or concerns with the shelter.

Safeguard Your Home with the Right Shelter!

At Oklahoma Shelters, we understand the unpredictable nature of tornadoes in the Midwestern and Southern regions. Ensure the safety of your family and property with our reliable Storm Shelters and Safe Rooms. Our shelters are meticulously engineered and tested to endure extreme weather conditions.

Call us now to speak with our highly trained sales associates.

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Inground concrete shelter

How to Ensure Your Storm Shelter is Ready for Action: A Maintenance Checklist

Your storm shelter is more than a physical refuge; it’s a stronghold in the face of nature’s fury. To ensure it stands resilient when storms strike, proactive maintenance is your first line of defense.

This blog unveils a comprehensive maintenance checklist, guiding you through the essential steps to keep your storm shelter ready for action.

Structural Integrity: The Foundation of Resilience

1. Regular Structural Checks

Begin your maintenance journey by conducting routine structural inspections. Examine the walls, roof, and door for any signs of wear, damage, or corrosion. A well-maintained structure is the bedrock of your shelter’s resilience.

2. Reinforcement Assessment

Check the reinforcement materials, whether steel or concrete, for signs of rust or deterioration. Any compromise in these materials can undermine the shelter’s ability to withstand the forces of extreme weather.

3. Emergency Supplies Inventory

A storm shelter is only as effective as the supplies it houses. Regularly inventory emergency essentials, including first aid kits, non-perishable food, water, and flashlight batteries. Ensure that these supplies are within their expiration dates.

4. Adequate Ventilation Check

Proper ventilation is crucial for long stays in a storm shelter. Check that ventilation systems are clear of debris and functioning optimally. Adequate airflow contributes to comfort and ensures the air remains safe for extended periods.

5. Door and Lock Functionality

The storm shelter door is your gateway to safety. Regularly test its functionality, ensuring it opens and closes smoothly. Lubricate hinges and check the lock mechanism to guarantee swift and secure access during emergencies.

6. Weather Radio Check

A weather radio is your real-time connection to crucial updates during a storm. Confirm that your shelter’s weather radio is operational and tuned to the correct frequency. Staying informed is a fundamental aspect of storm preparedness.

Partnering for Resilience with Oklahoma Shelters

In the realm of severe weather, the difference between a shelter and a sanctuary lies in proactive maintenance. By embracing the elements of this comprehensive checklist, you transform your storm shelter into a bastion of security.

As you embark on the journey of storm shelter maintenance, let Oklahoma Shelters be your trusted ally—a provider of not just shelters but peace of mind. Your shelter is not just a structure; it’s a promise of security in the face of uncertainty.

A family posing with an Oklahoma shelter crew

Ensuring your storm shelter is ready for action demands attention to detail and a commitment to safety. For expert guidance and top-tier storm shelters engineered for resilience, partner with Oklahoma Shelters.

Contact us today for a personalized consultation and fortify your safety against storms.

Trust Oklahoma Shelters—your partner in resilience.

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4 Factors To Consider Before Building Your Above-Ground Storm Shelter

For the people living in tornado-prone regions, the months between March and June tend to be the worst. Places like Oklahoma, Normandy, and many others are in constant danger of tornados.

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Shelter Construction

Safety First: What Not to Do When a Tornado Strikes

When a disaster or emergency such as a tornado strikes, it’s easy to give in to the panic and make decisions based on sheer instinct—and misinformation. There’s a lot of dangerous knowledge and several harmful myths surrounding tornadoes and how to deal with them.

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How Norman Residents Can Benefit from Storm Shelters

For locals in Norman, OK, there’s no denying that there are a lot of benefits to owning a property with a storm shelter. Given that the town sees several tornadoes, much like the rest of Oklahoma, their safety advantages cannot be underplayed.

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Underground Bunker

Storm Shelters

Underground Slope Top Shelter

Concrete Shelter

Underground Garage Shelter

Garage Shelter

Installing Steel Safe Room

Steel Safe Room

Underground Bunker

Underground Bunker


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James Benton
Our friends recommend them and they did an excellent job

Roberto Peralta
The best company I've ever dealt with, you will not regret it.

Rohan Papaly
A truly fantastic company!

Laura Jane Lamb Atchley
It is rare to find a business as professional, service oriented, and motivated to do quality work as Oklahoma Shelters! 

Lauren Anderson
They were great and I highly recommend.

Michele Walton
We were very pleased with our new storm shelter. 

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