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A shelter being installed in a garage

Tornado Season in Norman & Oklahoma City: Why You Need a Safe Room

Living in Norman or Oklahoma City, you’re no stranger to severe weather. Spring brings not just blooming flowers but also the roar of thunderstorms and the ever-present threat of tornadoes. While these storms can be powerful and destructive, taking precautions can significantly increase your safety. One crucial step is having a designated shelter in your home – a safe room.

Oklahoma Tornado Statistics: A Stark Reminder

Oklahoma experiences more tornadoes than any other state in the US. According to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), Oklahoma averages 58 tornadoes per year. That’s a sobering statistic, especially considering the devastating impact these twisters can have.

The state has also been witness to some of the most powerful tornadoes ever recorded. The May 3rd, 1999 Bridge Creek-Moore tornado, for instance, was an EF5 monster – the highest rating on the Enhanced Fujita scale – causing widespread destruction and claiming lives.

These numbers paint a clear picture: tornadoes are a real threat in Oklahoma, and Norman and Oklahoma City are right in the crosshairs.

Why Safe Rooms Are Essential

While basements can provide some protection during a tornado, they aren’t always an option, especially in newer homes. This is where Oklahoma safe rooms come in. These specially designed rooms, built according to Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) guidelines, offer a fortified haven during a storm.

Oklahoma Storm Shelters: Peace of Mind During Severe Weather

Imagine the peace of mind knowing you and your family have a safe haven during a tornado. Unlike above-ground shelters that can be vulnerable to flying debris, underground cement shelters in OK or safe rooms built within your home offer superior protection. They are constructed with reinforced walls and ceilings designed to withstand the punishing winds and debris associated with tornadoes.

Inside of a safe room

Investing in Safety with Oklahoma Safe Rooms

Having a safe room isn’t just about protecting yourself from the storm’s immediate fury. It can also shield you from flying debris, a major cause of tornado-related injuries and fatalities. Oklahoma Safe Rooms provide a secure space where you can wait out the storm and emerge safe once the danger has passed.

Don’t Wait Until It’s Too Late:

Don’t wait for the next tornado warning to take action. Protect yourself and your loved ones by installing a safe room in your Norman or Oklahoma City home. Oklahoma Shelters offers a variety of safe room options, including underground and above-ground shelters, all designed and built to meet FEMA standards.

Contact Oklahoma Shelters today for a free consultation and invest in your family’s safety. Remember, a safe room is an investment that can provide peace of mind for years to come!

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team installing udergreound shelter

4 Things to Know About Underground Shelter Installation

Underground shelters that are installed in your garage or backyard are one of the best forms of storm protection. They help provide safe and secure shelter, away from tornadoes and hurricanes that are native to Oklahoma, as well as debris and other threats from the aftermath of a storm.

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a steel storm shelter

3 Ways Safe Room Boost Your Home Value

There are many ways to boost your home’s value. You can remodel your kitchen, install new windows, or add a patio. But if you live in areas that come under tornado regions, such as Oklahoma and Normandy, building a storm safe shelter can add a lot of value to your home.

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A steel safe room being aired out after cleaning.

3 Cleaning Hacks To Keep Your Storm Shelter Ready At All Times

Keeping your storm shelter clean is crucial for your safety and well-being. Fortunately, our storm shelters come with a 10-year warranty against corrosion and leaks, which takes that issue off your hands.

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A slope top shelter developed and built after years of research.

What Exactly Do Storm Chasers Do—And Why We Need To Thank Them For It

You may have come across the term storm chaser at some point or the other and wondered what exactly that is. The name sounds too adventurous to be real—so it must be a euphemism for something more boring—right?

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3 Things People New To Oklahoma Should Be Aware Of

Oklahoma is a wonderful state in the mid-west. It’s perfect for families looking to raise their kids close to nature, urbanity and quality education, and plenty of fresh air and greenery. There are also opportunities for a higher standard of living, economic prosperity, and innovation.

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Storm Shelters

Underground Slope Top Shelter

Concrete Shelter

Underground Garage Shelter

Garage Shelter

Installing Steel Safe Room

Steel Safe Room

Underground Bunker

Underground Bunker


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James Benton
Our friends recommend them and they did an excellent job

Roberto Peralta
The best company I've ever dealt with, you will not regret it.

Rohan Papaly
A truly fantastic company!

Laura Jane Lamb Atchley
It is rare to find a business as professional, service oriented, and motivated to do quality work as Oklahoma Shelters! 

Lauren Anderson
They were great and I highly recommend.

Michele Walton
We were very pleased with our new storm shelter. 

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