What are the Safest Rooms in a House during a Tornado?
Category : Oklahoma Storm Shelters
In United States, tornadoes have a tendency to strike with no warning at all. A tornado can stay and cause destruction all the way from few moments to hours. This is why it is very important for us to ensure that we are prepared beforehand for this catastrophic disaster. Your first call to action should be to find a place or a shelter which is strong enough to face those high-speed winds. Remember people, fatalities during a tornado are not caused by the wind but because of the flying debris.
If you reside in Oklahoma or Norman city, tornadoes must be a normal talk for you since these are one of the most tornado active areas. The safest room inside your house to keep yourself safe in such situation is an in-ground storm shelter on your property. If you have one, you have a fine chance of survival. But if you don’t then for you, we’ve discussed some of the safest rooms within your house that you can use when a tornado hits.
1. Basement Area
A lot of people in Oklahoma and Norman City don’t have tornado shelters installed on their property. If you’re among them, we suggest availing the next best option – the basement. Once you see a tornado hustling your way, just make your way quickly to your basement area. It is safer there since the basement is an underground space. Although keep in mind if your basement has those small windows, they’ll break due to the flying debris. Stay away from the basement windows.
2. Your Interior Room
Assuming you don’t have accessibility to your basement or perhaps an underground tornado bunker, the safest location to take shelter inside your residence is any area without any outside walls or glass windows. This may mean taking refuge in your corridor, beneath the staircase, or even in a place without windows. Once you select a corridor as your safe haven, make sure any doorways leading to it are closed.
3. Bathroom
If its not located on the outside wall, your bathroom may serve as a perfect spot to save yourself from a tornado. Since your bathrooms walls are extra strong due to the plumbing, it can work as a perfect isolation area, providing you a good insulation and safety from the flying debris and strong winds. You can also jump in your bath tub and put any type of mattress on top of you to make sure that you’re safe.
4. Concrete Tornado Shelter
The safest place when a tornado comes rumbling down is to get yourself to a tornado shelter. If you don’t have one, its time that you get one for your home. It is necessary for you and your family’s safety.
With Oklahoma Shelters, you can get free consultation for your home. We provide both underground cement shelters and above ground storm shelters in Oklahoma, Norman City, and their nearby areas.
To check out our underground bunkers, just click here. If you want to get one, get in touch with us today.