5 Ways to Prepare for a Tornado
Category : Oklahoma Storm Shelters
Most tornadoes occur during spring from the month of April to June, however, they can strike at any time, so you always have to be prepared. You might be traveling, or alone at home or your children might be alone at home. It’s always important to keep everyone aware of the circumstances and procedures to be able to act quickly.
Here are some ways to prepare for a tornado.

Secure Your Home
You shouldn’t wait for the peak season to arrive to start preparing and securing your home. Some things might be time-consuming and would require professional help. You can get the trees surrounding your house trimmed to avoid any uprooting or falling of heavy trees on your property during high winds.
You can also install permanent shutters on your windows to prevent the glass from shattering and get your garage door strengthened to protect your car. Move all the furniture from your patio inside your house to reduce the damages.
Prepare Your Family
To keep your family on the same page and act immediately, you need to plan tornado drills to make them practice beforehand. It is essential to cover yourself with a mattress or a blanket that can act as a cushion against the falling debris. The best option is to go into the basement or an underground bunker and seek shelter over there. Staying away from windows is also important.
Safety During Travelling
If you’re in your car when you see a tornado then you should immediately look for a building or house to take shelter. If there aren’t any, then you can fasten your seatbelt and park it somewhere lowering your head below the windows. You can keep a helmet or blanket in your car to be prepared for any situation.
You should avoid any bridges or overpasses when traveling as they can collapse on your vehicle and slabs of concrete can fly towards you.
Learn The Difference Between A Tornado Watch And A Warning
A tornado watch means that there is a possibility of a tornado occurring in the area; however, a warning means that a tornado has been spotted and it is time for immediate action.
Pack An Emergency Kit
If a tornado hits your locality, the area will lose power for a few days as it can rip out the electricity poles. You can prepare an emergency kit for your house by storing water in the storm shelter for at least three days and food supplies with a first aid kit and some extra clothing. Keeping the torch and a battery-powered radio is also important to navigate an receive information regarding your safety.

You can contact us to get an underground storm shelter installed in Oklahoma for you. You can prepare yourself by building a sturdy one to safeguard your family. All our shelters meet the FEMA 320 and ICC-500 standards, and you can also customize yours according to your preferences.