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Person holding a flashlight in their hand

Safe Room Essentials for Storm Survival

A safe room can make all the difference when a severe storm strikes. A safe room is a designated space within your home that protects you from extreme weather events such as tornadoes and hurricanes. To ensure your safety and the safety of your loved ones, it is crucial to have the necessary safe room essentials in your space. Here are the must-have items for storm survival.

Communication Devices

In the event of a storm, communication is paramount. Make sure to have a fully charged cell phone or two-way radio in your safe room. This will allow you to stay informed about weather updates, contact emergency services if needed, and stay connected with your loved ones.

Weather Radio

A weather radio is an indispensable tool for storm survival. It is designed to receive alerts and warnings from the National Weather Service, keeping you informed about the storm’s progress and any potential threats. Ensure your weather radio is battery-powered and easily accessible.

Emergency Supplies

Stock your safe room with essential emergency supplies. This includes a first aid kit, medications, a flashlight with extra batteries, a whistle for signaling, non-perishable food, and bottled water. It’s wise to have supplies for at least 72 hours in case of extended power outages or difficulties accessing resources.

Protective Gear

Protective gear is crucial for safeguarding yourself and your family during a storm. Keep sturdy shoes or boots, helmets, goggles, and work gloves in your safe room. These items can offer vital protection against debris and potential hazards.

Blankets and Pillows

While comfort isn’t always a priority during emergencies, having blankets and pillows can provide some relief during extended periods spent in the safe room. They can also help keep everyone calm and secure.

Portable Charger

A portable charger can be a lifesaver when power lines are down, and electricity is unavailable. Keep a fully charged portable charger in your safe room to ensure you can charge your communication devices when needed.

Personal Documents and Cash

Place important personal documents such as identification papers, insurance policies, and birth certificates in a waterproof container or bag within your storm shelter. Additionally, keep some cash on hand in case ATMs and electronic payment systems are not accessible.

dog wrapped in a blanket

Pet Supplies

If you have pets, don’t forget to include their essential supplies in your safe room. Pack extra food, water, medications, and comfort items for your furry friends. Additionally, ensure they have a secure carrier or crate to stay in during the storm.

Oklahoma Shelters designs sturdy storm shelters and tornado shelters for residents of Oklahoma. From underground bunkers to garage safe rooms, we can do it all! To get a customized safe room for your home, contact us today!

Storm Shelters

Underground Slope Top Shelter

Concrete Shelter

Underground Garage Shelter

Garage Shelter

Installing Steel Safe Room

Steel Safe Room

Underground Bunker

Underground Bunker


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James Benton
Our friends recommend them and they did an excellent job

Roberto Peralta
The best company I've ever dealt with, you will not regret it.

Rohan Papaly
A truly fantastic company!

Laura Jane Lamb Atchley
It is rare to find a business as professional, service oriented, and motivated to do quality work as Oklahoma Shelters! 

Lauren Anderson
They were great and I highly recommend.

Michele Walton
We were very pleased with our new storm shelter. 

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