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Factory-built safe room with easy installation provides a secure shelter during tornadoes and severe weather.

5 Safe Room Myths Debunked: Fact vs. Fiction

Category : Blog

Living in Tornado Alley, Norman and Oklahoma City residents understand the importance of preparedness. Safe rooms are a crucial part of a severe weather plan, but there’s a surprising amount of misinformation circulating about them.

Let’s dispel some common safe room myths and provide clear facts to keep you and your family safe.

Myth #1: Safe rooms are too expensive

While the cost of a safe room can vary depending on size, materials, and installation, it’s an investment in your family’s safety. According to the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), financial assistance programs are available to help offset the cost. When compared to the potential devastation caused by a tornado, a safe room becomes a cost-effective safety measure.

Myth #2: My basement is good enough

Basements can offer some protection during a tornado, but they aren’t always the safest option. Basements with exposed foundation walls or weak ceilings are vulnerable to collapse from flying debris. Additionally, basements can be prone to flooding during severe storms, further increasing the risk. Opting for a safe room built according to FEMA standards ensures a fortified space specifically designed to withstand tornadoes.

Myth #3: Safe rooms are claustrophobic and uncomfortable

Modern safe rooms are designed with comfort in mind. Many Oklahoma safe rooms come in various sizes, allowing you to choose one that suits your family’s needs. Some safe rooms even have features like ventilation systems and built-in benches to make sheltering in place more comfortable.

Myth #4: Safe rooms are only for tornadoes

Safe rooms offer protection from more than just tornadoes. They can also provide a haven during severe thunderstorms with hail or high winds. Additionally, if your home is located in an area prone to earthquakes, a safe room can offer a secure space to wait out the tremors.

Myth #5: I can just wait out a tornado in a closet or interior room

While seeking shelter in an interior room away from windows and doors might be your only option in a pinch, it’s not the safest course of action. Tornadoes can generate powerful winds and flying debris that can easily penetrate walls and roofs. Safe rooms, built with reinforced walls and ceilings, offer a significantly higher level of protection.

Pre-fabricated framed safe room with a secure door, ideal for homes

Don’t let these safe room myths prevent you from installing a safe room in your Norman or Oklahoma City home. Oklahoma Storm Shelters offers a variety of safe room options, including underground cement shelters and above-ground models, all designed and built to meet the strictest FEMA standards.

Don’t wait until a tornado warning to take action. Contact Oklahoma Shelters today for a free consultation and ensure your family’s safety during severe weather.

Storm Shelters

Underground Slope Top Shelter

Concrete Shelter

Underground Garage Shelter

Garage Shelter

Installing Steel Safe Room

Steel Safe Room

Underground Bunker

Underground Bunker


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James Benton
Our friends recommend them and they did an excellent job

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The best company I've ever dealt with, you will not regret it.

Rohan Papaly
A truly fantastic company!

Laura Jane Lamb Atchley
It is rare to find a business as professional, service oriented, and motivated to do quality work as Oklahoma Shelters! 

Lauren Anderson
They were great and I highly recommend.

Michele Walton
We were very pleased with our new storm shelter. 

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